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Since opening up shop we realise that way too much plastic goes to waste, from the tubs we put our treats in, to the bags we use (when you guys buy way too many).

As much as we can’t avoid the plastic tub situ (we don’t want our food going bad). We CAN encourage you to bring your very own tubs/ tuppaware/ bags by offering you a 5% discount on all orders.

There is no end date on this, an infinite offer that helps everyone. You save money, we do too and in turn we are helping the planet 🌎

The rules are as follows:
1.) Bring back one of our tubs that you have taken home with you OR bring your own tub/ tuppaware. Same goes for plastic bags, bring those in too!
2.) Minimum order £1. Yep only £1.
3.) Team reserves the right to offer further discount to anyone who brings in larger amounts of tubs.


For anyone interested in checking our product macros click here.

For anyone looking for a list of ingredients we use click here.


For any future offers and events be sure to keep updated on this page.


Look forward to seeing all your faces soon <3


Want to get in touch? Our details here.